Ways to Increase Children's Interest in Writing

Writing is one of the skills that are needed in the learning process. Reading and writing cannot be separated like a unit. Individuals do not only rely on the ability to read but also must be accompanied by writing. Vice versa. Writing is also a medium of communication as well as a medium for expressing thoughts, feelings and experiences. In this day and age that relies heavily on social media, writing skills are needed. For example, when making posts, sending emails, or notifying family via social media. So this is where we realize the importance of writing skills.
However, learning to write is sometimes not easy for children. This skill takes process and time. Often parents or teachers find obstacles when teaching children to write. Some refuse or ignore it. Here the thing we need to improve is how to increase children's motivation to want to learn to write. With increased motivation, children will want to learn to write and this learning process becomes much more fun. Here are some ways to increase children's motivation to write:
1. Let them imagine their imagination!
Let a story come to their mind. The trick is to ask children to record their imagination and then write it down on paper. This method can be used by both parents and teachers. With persistent help and encouragement, good results will come.
2. Retell Famous Stories
This is another fun activity to do. Many children are familiar with fairy tales or folk tales such as Pinocchio, the mouse deer and others. We can ask children to retell their favorite story in their own words.
3. Play Some Writing Games
We can play writing games. By playing, children will learn in a fun way. One example of a writing game is changing words. The trick is that the teacher will write a sentence on paper. Then the paper is given to the next player. The task of each player is to change one of the words in the sentence. Then after arriving at the last player, the last player must read the result of his sentence. When the last sentence is read, everyone will be amazed at how one word can completely change a story or message. Another writing game is making sentences. First, a child will start the story by writing a sentence. Then the next child will add sentences to create a story. We can also use this opportunity when the child is whining about something. Ask the child to write down what he wants, why he wants it, what he will do if he gets it and why he deserves it. Of course, we need to remind him that his opinion is not a guarantee that he can get what he wants, rather it will increase the chances that he will get it.
4. Writing About Experiences
Fun experiences can help children increase their motivation to write. The experience can be a favorite thing for children. We can ask children to write about their experiences when they visit the beach. Giving a little help in the form of writing instructions before they leave can be very useful. We can also ask children to write down their favorite activities. We can also make some questions or instructions to help the child in building a story. Here are some questions we can build:
- What do you like the most? Playing in the sand, swimming or playing ball on the beach?
- Write about the animal you like the most!
- Write about your favorite places, tourist attractions or activities you do when you get home!
5. Free writing and creative writing
Teachers can also use free writing and creative writing. Free writing can be done in a way that children can write on a topic without being limited. Meanwhile, for creative writing, children can make dialogues or stories from famous figures. These two ways of writing can motivate children to write more.
Children tend to learn faster if they are already motivated. It is the duty of teachers and parents to generate motivation in them. The same case occurs in motivating children to write. Once they are hooked on writing, they will continue to write, no matter what mood they are in and how many sentences they write.
By Salsabilatuzzahra Jaha from BehaviorPALS Center
Listyani. (2014). Fun Writing for Children: Hurray, I Can Write. Engaging With Literature Creatively (pp. 114-125). Salatiga : Satya Wacana Christian University. https://repository.uksw.edu/bitstream/123456789/5293/2/PROS_Listyani_fun%20writing%20for%20children_fulltext.pdf
Children, Interest, Writing, School
Children 4 Years - 6 Years / 4 Tahun - 6 Tahun / Writing / Menulis / Education / Pendidikan / Ways to Increase Children's Interest in Writing