Time's to cook! Tips for cooking with children!

Doing activities with children is very beneficial. When parents involve their activities with children, bonding will be established. Parents can also teach their children some skills that can benefit children. One of the activities that can be done is cooking together. Cooking with children can be very easy to do at home. This activity is also very affordable and does not require a large fee. In addition, parents can teach cooking lessons where cooking is one of everyone's basic skills. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of cooking with children, the things children can do when we cook, and tips for safe cooking with children.
The benefits of cooking with children
- Strengthen the bond between parents and children (bonding)
- As an opportunity to teach children about the senses (taste, sight, smell, taste)
- Increases self-esteem of children by contributing to the family. Boosts self-esteem by accomplishing tasks that contribute to the whole family
- Teach and apply basic math skills.
- Teach children about body health and food
- Train children to follow directions.
- Encourage children's creativity
What can children do?
Parents are sometimes in a dilemma when they want to involve their children in cooking activities. Sometimes parents are still confused about what children can help with cooking activities. Here are some activities that children can do when cooking based on their age:
- Children aged 2-3 years
Children at this age can help choose which ingredients to cook or taste. Then they can rinse vegetables or fruit. Tear the lettuce into smaller pieces. Put the ingredients into the bowl. Pouring ingredients (with help) and grouping cutlery on the table.
- Children aged 4-6 years
Children at this age are usually starting to learn to read, so they can help by reading recipes. Perform calculations and measure simple materials. Cut using a plastic knife or butter knife. Solve eggs. Press the on/off button on the blender or mixer. Mixing ingredients. And they can also help you to set the table.
- Children aged 7-12 years
Children at this age usually have a more complex development and abilities. They can help by choosing what recipe to cook today. Make your own recipe. Finding and gathering cooking ingredients. Read and follow the recipe. Help organize the shopping list. Using a small knife, grater, and peeling tool (under supervision). Start using hot appliances such as stoves and ovens (under supervision). Finally, they also help to wash the dishes.
Tips for safe and healthy cooking with children!
Not a few parents are worried and afraid when they let their children participate in cooking in the kitchen. The concern is in the form of children's health which could be threatened due to contact with the kitchen. So parents need to know safety tips that can be applied when cooking activities take place:
- Hand washing, it's a must!
Must-wash hands to ensure personal hygiene. Always wash your hands before preparing food, after touching your face, clothes, or hair, and washing your hands when cleaning, coughing, and after using the toilet. Wash your hands using running water and soap for 20 seconds.
- Clean the cooking area.
Make sure the cooking area is sterile and clean by cleaning it. We can clean it with warm water that has been given soap.
- Always cook eggs thoroughly
Be sure to cook the eggs (both yolk and white) until fully cooked. This action is done to ensure that the bacteria contained in the egg are completely dead.
- Using a separate cutting board
Distinguish between chopping boards for meat and for vegetables. Be sure to wash the cutting board with soap before using it, this is to prevent the transfer of bacteria.
So, don't hesitate to start cooking with your child. This activity is very easy and inexpensive and there are many benefits that will be obtained. Who knows, your child will be a great chef in the future! Let's cook together!
By Salsabilatuzzahra Jaha from BehaviorPALS Center
Super Kids Crew and America Institute for Cancer Reserach. (2013, October 25). Healthy Kids. Retrieved from American Institute for Cancer: https://www.aicr.org/assets/docs/pdf/healthykids/powerful-plants-cooking-with-kids.pdf
Activity, Cooking, Parenting, Children, Tips
Children 4 Years - 6 Years / 4 Tahun - 6 Tahun / Parenting / Pola Asuh / Family / Keluarga / Time's to cook! Tips for cooking with children!