How to Teach Early Math Skills to Children at Home

How important are math skills for children and is there correlation between good math skills and academic success in children? How soon should we start teaching math skills? A 2013 study by Claessens and Engel found that early math skills are important predictors of success in reading, math, science, and grade retention. Additionally, advocacy groups argue that early math education between the age of 3-6 years old predict future achievement in math.
Children are already using exposed to early math skills in their daily lives. From seeing the number of cookies on the plate decrease as they eat, to counting the number of steps as they go up or down stairs. However, parents are encouraged to be more intentionally in developing math skills with their children from early on.
Activities to Teach Early Math Skills at Home
1. Stories and Songs Involving Numbers
Parents can start introducing children under two years old to math skills by repeating stories and rhymes that involve numbers. Some examples include the story of five little monkeys, five little ducks, and 5 little speckled frogs. You can perform these stories and rhymes by re-enacting each scene using toys. For example, you can print and cut out 5 little ducklings and mother duck to use for a counting puppet show!
2. Playing with Shapes
Shape sorters is a simple and effective toy to teach your child about different shapes. Not only will your child learn how to match shapes, but they will also learn the names of shapes as you describe them – don’t forget to describe the colors and number of sides of each shape! You can also organize a treasure hunt around the house where your child is required to collect items that are of specific shapes.
3. Contacting Loved Ones
You can start teaching your older children relatives’ phone number and have them dial the number on the phone. You can also talk to your children about how houses address has numbers. Go for a drive and see if your child can spot the correct house based on the house number you told them.
4. Cooking
Parents can easily teach early math skills to their children by involving children in cooking or baking at home. Children can learn how to measure, estimate, add, and decrease ingredients. Incorporate the use of measurement tools such as a measuring scale or measuring cups to teach them methods used to measure weight or volume.
5. Using Toys to Teach Patterns & Seriation
You can easily teach patterns at home using commonly available materials and toys at home such as magnet-tiles, blocks, stickers, stamps, and many more. Start by introducing ABAB patterns and work up to ABCABC and ABCDABCD patterns. Make sure to not only introduce color patterns, but also shape patterns!
You can also teach seriation (arranging something in a sequence) by telling them to arrange their action figures or other toys from smallest to biggest, shortest to longest, and more!
Written By: Tania J. Purnomo, M.S., BCBA (Enreach Behavioral Services)
Claessens, A., & Engel, M. (2013). How Important is Where you Start? Early Mathematics
Knowledge and Later School Success. Teachers College Record, 115(6), 1–
math, learning at home, math skills, addition, early learning, numbers, school, education, academic skills, counting, activities
Pre-school 2 Years - 4 Years / 2 Tahun - 4 Tahun (Balita) / Counting / Berhitung / Education / Pendidikan / How to Teach Early Math Skills to Children at Home